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We facilitate and expedite the rating process with seamless execution on the mandate. Depending upon the paper to be rated, we will make you apply to suitable Rating Agency. We facilitate following ratings:



    • Asset-Backed Securitisation (ABS)
    • Mortgage Backed Securitisation (MBS)
    • Future Flow Transaction (FFT)
    • Partial Guarantee Structures (PGS)

What affects my getting a loan?

Most lenders look for information about your income, employment, living costs and existing loan repayments to help them decide whether you can afford to repay a loan. Most lenders also want to look at your credit rating. It can be a good indication of how likely you are to pay back the money. You are likely to have a positive credit rating if you have a good history of repayment on previous loans. Your credit rating may be poor if you missed repayments on a regular basis or failed to pay off a loan in the past.

Credit Analysis consists of the following components:

Qualitative analysis – our specialists study management system of the issuer, financial and development plans, conduct SWAT-analysis, pay special attention to documentation, market niche, economic activity.

Quantitative analysis – analysts study accounts coefficients that determine financial activity and financial position of the issuer. We use both standard methods (analysis of internal and external factors, profitability) and special methods worked out by out analysts to determine financial position and development tendencies of the issuer.

Legal analysis – we study financial and economic activity of the issuer to be sure it corresponds to the Legislation; analysis also includes studying of management, labor and business relations and legal field of cooperation between central office and affiliates.


ICRA’s Grading of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) is a service aimed at facilitating assessment of equity issues offered to the public. The Grade assigned to any individual IPO is a symbolic representation of ICRA’s assessment of the “fundamentals” of the issuer concerned on a relative grading scale. IPO Grades are assigned on a five-point point scale, where IPO Grade 5 indicates the highest grading and IPO Grade 1 indicates the lowest grading, i.e a higher score indicates stronger fundamentals. An ICRA IPO Grade does not comment on the valuation or pricing of the issue that has been Graded, nor does it seek to indicate the likely returns to shareholders from subscribing to the IPO. The emphasis of the IPO Grading exercise is on evaluating the prospects of the industry in which the company operates , the company’s competitive strengths that would allow it to address the risks inherent in the business(es) and effectively capitalise on the opportunities available as well as the company’s financial position. In case the IPO proceeds are planned to be used to set up projects, either greenfield or brownfield, ICRA evaluates the risks inherent in such projects, the capacity of the company’s management to execute the same, and the likely benefits accruing from the successful completion of the projects in terms of profitability and returns to shareholders. Due weightage is given to the issuer company’s management strengths and weaknesses and issues, if any, from the corporate governance perspective. ICRA’s five point IPO Grading Scale is as follows:

IPO Grade 5 Strong fundamentals IPO Grade 4 Above-average fundamentals IPO Grade 3 Average fundamentals IPO Grade 2 Below-average fundamentals IPO Grade 1 Poor fundamentals

ICRA Grading Symbols for the Consultants and their implications are as follows:

    • CT1 Very strong project engineering/project management services capacity
    • CT2 Strong project engineering/project management services capacity
    • CT3 Moderate project engineering/project management services capacity
    • CT4 Inadequate project engineering/project management services capacity
    • CT5 Weak project engineering/project management services capacity

Note: The suffix of '+' or '-' may be used with the grading symbols (from CT2 to CT4) to indicate the comparative position within the Grading category concerned.


National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. (NSIC), an ISO 9001 certified company, since its establishment in 1955, has been working to fulfill its mission of promoting, aiding and fostering the growth of small scale industries and industry related small scale services/business enterprises in the country. It provides subsidies for SME and Green Field Projects. We secure the subsidy for you.

Rating Process

VEER CAPITAL's rating process is designed to ensure that all ratings are based on the highest standards of independence and analytical rigour.

VEER CAPITAL's analysis on each credit is carried out by a team of at least two analysts. The analysis is based on information obtained from the issuer, and on an understanding of the business environment in which the issuer operates; it is carried out within the framework of clearly spelt-out rating criteria. The analysis is then presented to a rating committee comprising members who have the professional competence to meaningfully assess the credit, and have no interest in the entity being rated. The rating committee determines the rating to be assigned.

VEER CAPITAL keeps information obtained for the rating exercise confidential, by enforcing appropriate process safeguards; for instance, all VEER CAPITAL employees are required to sign a confidentiality agreement. VEER CAPITAL does not disclose confidential information that it has obtained for the purpose of credit rating to anyone (other than to market regulators or law enforcement authorities, if required).


From the initial management meeting to the assignment of the rating, the rating process normally takes three to four weeks. However, VEER CAPITAL has sometimes arrived at rating decisions in shorter timeframes, to meet urgent requirements.

Stages in the process

The process of rating starts with a rating request from the issuer, and the signing of a rating agreement. VEER CAPITAL employs a multi-layered decision-making process in assigning a rating.


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