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Veer Capital Fixed Group is advising on debt securities, including municipal bonds, GOI Bonds, Fixed Deposits from Commercial Banks, Housing Finance Companies, Corporate and NBFC. We specialize in services, strategies and products specifically targeted to Family & Charitable Trusts, financial institutions, investment managers, high net worth individuals and selectively to retail investors.

The Sales, Trading and Underwriting departments focus on the needs of investors by providing a variety of products, investment strategies and related services specifically selected and designed to meet the needs of financial institutions, other professional portfolio managers and individual investors.

Debt Origination

The Debt Origination team is active with first-time and infrequent issuers and has expertise in bringing new issuers to the debt capital markets, advising on optimum financing structures, obtaining credit ratings and placing public and private debt.

In India, the group covers all levels of active government (municipal) and corporate (investment grade and high yield) issuers. Our fairy long presence has lead to the growth and maintenance of a number of strong relationships with Indian clients on the origination and distribution side of the business.

Gradually we will expand our capabilities to wide list of products, markets and currencies including domestic offerings, Medium Term Notes, Structured Notes, Globals, Euros, Yankees and international placements.

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