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Services to Investors:

We provide to active institutional IPO investors and High Net worth Individuals our IPO Intelligence Research service for independent insights about newly public companies. Our IPO Intelligence provides full pre-IPO & post-IPO research and proprietary analytics on IPOs.

We provide Early Take Report to our investors. The report contains Fundamental Analysis, Growth Outlook, Corporate Governance Opinion, Valuation & Peer Group Analysis, Risk factors, Size of its products market, IPO Rating, Investment Thesis, Snapshot of IPO offering data & financials, Bull & Bear outlook, etc.

IPO funding

This product offers an excellent opportunity to leverage your own funds in primary markets and thereby increase the allotment quantum manifold. We provide loans for subscription in the IPOs of equity / equity linked instruments. You have to invest only margin amount with our IPO Funding Partners putting in the balance application amount. Our exclusive IPO financing scheme provides a single window clearance for application, banking and follow up.

Usual Terms

Tenure   15-30 days
 Loan Amount  Minimum Rs. 1 Crore
 Interest Rate  Competitive
 Margin  Case to case basis (5% to 15%)
Other Charges As applicable


Benefits :

  • Maximize gains on your existing funds available for investments
  • Take advantage of investment opportunities
  • Procure higher allotments
  • Easier and faster processing
DMC Firewall is developed by Dean Marshall Consultancy Ltd