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Veer Capital Mutual Fund Advisory provides interactive counseling which help investors determine their own investor profile and take important strategic decision. The investor profile help in determining the investment style and risk tolerance level, which is an important part of building your portfolio.

Investor profile categorized as Aggressive, Moderate, Conservative or any of its combination in some cases, help investor take strategic investment decision. Each investor profile has an associated asset allocation model, risk level and returns potential. On the basis of investor profile the decision of allocating the assets, diversification of risk and creating a portfolio is under taken.

We also encourage Equity Link Saving Scheme (ELSS) that offers tax credit under section 80 C of Indian Income Tax.

Our Mutual Fund Advisor Team interact ongoing basis with major fund house operating in India both Domestic and International. They attend seminars and presentations hosted by the fund houses that provide insight into current investment themes and sector allocations.

Collectively we advise Retail, High Net worth Individuals and Corporate mutual fund investors. Our promoters comply with requirements of Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) and Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).

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