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Entrepreneurs, corporations and professional investors looking for superior investment banking solutions turn to VCCG. We deliver exceptional merger advisory, financings, valuation and consulting services to middle-market public and private technology and business service companies and family-owned businesses.

At VCCG, we strive to set ourselves apart from other investment bankers by putting the needs of clients first and foremost in every aspect of how we do business. To support this objective, the way we manage and staff our projects is different, the way we’re paid by clients is different, and even our ownership structure is different.

We pride ourselves on providing companies and their stakeholders with frank insights into their businesses and honest, unbiased advice on what their next move should be. At VCCG, clients work directly with our senior management with a wealth of analytic, strategic marketing, financial, legal intelligence (Securities & Exchange Board of India, Stock Exchanges, Reserve Bank of India, Company Law Board, etc.). Our executives and associates have significant entrepreneurial or operational management experience, which helps us better understand your needs and objectives.


When the time comes to realize the financial value of your hard work and investment in a business, Veer Capital Corporate Group will show you all the options available to assure solid decision-making. We judge a successful business sale by our ability to meet and exceed your objectives, whether your goals focus on value, cultural fit, strategic fit, future upside, liquidity or any other important transaction characteristic. We create markets for closely-held businesses and provide merger advisory for public corporations and professional financial investors.

Let VCCG help you with Selling a Businss, Corporate Divestitures, Partial Liquidity Events, Valuation Analysis, and Strategic Consulting.


Buying a business is a complex undertaking. You’re looking to acquire the one company that will best move your business or investment strategy forward. No matter where you are in the acquisition process, VCCG maximizes your potential for success. We help you understand the risks involved with buying a specific business, make sure the deal is structured appropriately, assist you in maintaining good relations with the seller, and help overcome the sticking points that invariably arise along the way. From uncovering unique targets that closely meet your key acquisition criteria to closing the deal, we facilitate your purchase process from start to finish.

Turn to VCCG for Buying a Business, Financing an Acquisition, Valuation Analysis, Strategic Consulting.


Veer Capital Corporate Group helps clients seize the opportunity to take their businesses to the next level by accessing new capital. We maintain strong relationships with institutional investors, buy-out investors, venture capitalists, private equity, senior lenders, and their professional advisors. Our extensive relationships enable us to assist you in finding the right capital partner that will share your goal of continued growth and success. Most importantly, we can help you find a partner that understands the key challenges your company faces in today’s rapidly changing environment.

VCCG can help you with Growth Capital, Financing an Acquisition, Recapitalizations and Debt Restructures.


Looking over the business landscape, you see many potential opportunities for growing your company and building shareholder value. But with so many choices in sight, how do you identify the best path to follow? VCCG can help you determine the right direction. Through in-depth strategic, financial, and industry analyses, we uncover the full array of information you need to make the optimum choice for your company and its investors. From working through complex governance and corporate structure issues to deciding whether it’s time to grow through acquisition, we provide objective answers to all your complex business questions.


Buying a Business

Few business decisions are more important than the choice to acquire another company. VCCG helps you determine if the time is right for an acquisition and then works with you to plan and implement the strongest possible acquisition strategy.

You may already be in discussions with a target company or perhaps you are taking the first steps towards a target search. Either way, VCCG moves the process forward to reach a superior outcome that realizes all of your acquisition objectives. With VCCG at your side, you are able to concentrate on running your company while our professionals guide all aspects of the acquisition.

The VCCG process for acquisitions extends from the development of corporate strategy to its execution. Because successful acquisitions are the result of well-conceived and well-executed integration plans, we help clients plan for as well as implement their transaction strategy. To identify acquisition candidates, we undertake a comprehensive search based on our client's strategic, operational and financial criteria. Potential candidates are evaluated to determine which opportunities should command the highest priority, and once the client has expressed interest in a given target, VCCG performs a thorough analysis of the business, its competitive position and future prospects. Whenever possible, we attempt to determine the value of the target to its current owner, as well as to our client—making assumptions for certain synergies that may be realized in an acquisition. From the drafting of the letter of intent to the closing, VCCG then acts as both quarterback and coach, moving the process forward while at the same time evaluating the due diligence materials that may confirm or disprove our initial conclusions.

Financing an Acquisition

When you want to acquire a business and need capital to fund the purchase, VCCG helps you analyze and choose from among the many equity and debt options. We assist you in understanding key factors, such as current conditions in the debt and equity markets, the appropriate valuation for the business you're acquiring, and the tradeoffs involved with debt or equity financing. Finally, we leverage our extensive network of capital sources to connect you with appropriate capital sources, and we guide you through the entire funding process.

Selling a Business

Has a competitor or investor approached you about buying your business? Or are you wondering if the time is right to seek a buyer? No matter which situation you're in, VCCG' guidance and advocacy can dramatically increase your odds of success and the value you receive. VCCG specializes in creating a market for the closely held business. Whether the ideal transaction is to find a buyer that will continue the company's tradition of quality, or to achieve the best financial outcome for the shareholders, VCCG helps owners find the right buyer and assists corporate clients with divesting non-core assets.

In preparation for the sale, we value the business based on its likely performance under the ownership and management of a potential buyer, and evaluate in advance the impact of those synergies on the Company's earnings potential. Our objective is to maximize not only the sale price, but also the options for the seller, by bringing a number of buyers to the table.

VCCG prepares a comprehensive descriptive memorandum that highlights the Company's strategic and financial value, and proactively answers many of the common due diligence questions that buyers will have. We analyze the business and the competitive environment to determine the most logical buyers based on business fit and the strategic rationale for an acquisition. We then go a step further and identify a number of less obvious buyers, which may pay a premium in order to move into a new market or pick up valuable market share. We contact prospective buyers and qualify their interest. Most importantly, we manage all aspects of the sale process, putting confidentiality agreements in place, distributing information, responding to questions, and coordinating site visits and meetings. Our experience in managing this process not only ensures the best outcome, but it also enables Company management to focus on the business while we focus on the transaction.

We deliver superior results by carefully defining your true goals, creating a competitive environment for your business, and creatively negotiating and closing the transaction at the best possible terms. Our highly experienced team guides you through every step, assuring that you can focus on the job of running the business while the VCCG professionals handle the many complexities of the sale process.

Corporate Divestitures

VCCG provides sell-side investment banking and divestiture solutions for public and private corporations. Since strategic and tactical focus has become increasingly important to market valuations, the spin out or divestiture of non-core assets and corporate divisions is an important tool for increasing shareholder value. We help corporate clients divest these assets, generally resulting in an improved client valuation, while at the same time, permitting clients to refocus on more relevant strategies, critical assets and continuing operations.

Partial Liquidity Events

Often, shareholders may agree to extract a portion of their equity value from a company. In other cases, one or more shareholders want to remove their equity from a business but other shareholders wish to continue operating the company. We can assist with determining a fair value for your equity and identify third party financing for such partial buy-outs, either from lenders or private equity sponsors. In family businesses and partnerships, situations often arise when one or more shareholders desire liquidity, but the other shareholders are not prepared to sell the business. In these delicate situations, VCCG can assist the shareholders with determining a fair value for the stock and identify third party financing for a partial buy-out, either from a lender or private equity sponsor that will invest in the business, providing the needed liquidity while leaving the existing management in control.

Valuation Analysis for Privately Held Companies

By combining sophisticated financial analysis with over 20 years of experience in merger and acquisition advisory, VCCG provides sellers with a unique, third-party perspective on the valuations of businesses and securities.

What makes independent valuation services to privately-held companies for tax compliance and financial reporting purposes different from other valuations? Most valuations begin and end with an estimate of the value of the total enterprise and its equity; however a valuation of privately held companies focuses on valuing the common stock of the company. As a consequence such valuation needs to incorporate the financial features of a company's capital structure to allocate the value of the equity among different classes of shareholders.

Noncompliance with such valuation can lead to acceleration of taxable income, penalty taxes, company withholding tax issues and potential exposure for board members. Additionally, non-compliance could impact the marketability of a business to investors and/or acquirers.

We employ several methodologies in every valuation analysis, providing you with all the internal and external data needed to make a sound decision on whether to sell all or a portion of the business. We document our valuations in a comprehensive report, appropriate to the scope of the assignment.

Strategic Consulting

The decision to sell part or all of a business is never easy. VCCG provides the information needed for wise decision-making by reviewing strategic alternatives, sizing business opportunities, evaluating transactions, and valuing strategic assets. The VCCG Strategic Audit goes beyond financial performance to evaluate an organization's market opportunity, competitive differentiation, and opportunities for expansion and value creation.

VCCG is a leading independent financial advisor to business owners and corporate boards, with 20 years of experience in reviewing strategic alternatives, sizing markets and business opportunities, evaluating transactions, and valuing strategic assets. Strategic Audits can be completed in as little as 30 days when the mandate is to offer a recommendation on a specific opportunity, but often involve a broader overview where VCCG may make recommendations on organizational structure, sales and marketing strategy, balance sheet issues, and strategic alternatives for the business.

Growth Capital

Finding the right growth capital for your business is crucial for the future success of your company. VCCG has relationships with over 100 venture capital and later-stage private equity firms as well as hundreds of lenders that enable our clients to fund growth in sales and marketing, new product development, facility expansion, strategic acquisitions, and corporate reorganizations. The right capital partner for your business should bring more to the table than money. VEER CAPITAL PEVC GROUP helps you find the right capital partner by matching size, opportunity, industry focus, culture and "chemistry." We create competition for your business among multiple investors to provide you with multiple options and the best possible pricing and deal terms.

Financing an Acquisition

When you want to acquire a business and your company’s balance sheet can’t cover the acquisition cost, VCCG helps you analyze and choose from among the many equity and debt options. We assist you in understanding key factors, such as current conditions in the debt and equity markets, the appropriate valuation for the business you’re acquiring, and the tradeoffs involved with debt or equity financing.

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